Wednesday, November 18, 2020, 7PM-8PM ET, Online

Register for the Benefit (free)

We are also raising funds to create an African American historic site of national stature in the South End of Bridgeport. We will also unveil a preview of the plan our neighbors helped design for the surrounding blocks and the South End as a whole. Please join us for an exciting evening celebrating an amazing legacy and the important year to come … Little Liberia’s 200th Anniversary in 2021! Hope to see you on November 18th.


Your gifts give us the capacity to carry out our mission: restoration, programs, the design & building of a climate-resilient cultural heritage site in Bridgeport, Connecticut. All gifts, of any amount, are greatly appreciated.

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Celebrating History & Community

We are pleased to announce our first virtual benefit! We will spotlight the significance of The Mary & Eliza Freeman Houses (circa 1848), the oldest surviving Connecticut homes built and owned by African Americans, and tell the Little Liberia story to 1000 households nationwide! We invite you to be one of them. As many of you know, in the early 1820’s when CT and the United States still had slavery, free African and Native American people from Connecticut created a significant and prosperous settlement called Liberia, “Free Land,” to give sanctuary, opportunity, and dignity to Black and indigenous people who chose to call Bridgeport home.

Many know Hugh B. Price best as the seventh president of the National Urban League, just one of the impressive professional positions that permitted him to influence a troubled nation for the better. But did you know that Hugh Price was a Little Liberia descendant? His memoir evokes the spirit of his forbears, and the legacy of the free African American settlement they helped found in the 1800’s. The Mary & Eliza Freeman Center for History and Community is proud to honor Hugh Price, descendant of Little Liberians, among them: Grant and Peter Hawley (grandsons of Nero Hawley), Augustus Hawley and Margaret Latimer, and Lewis Latimer.